
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Jillson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Daniel Jillson May 13, 1719 March 29, 1798 Leah Bucklin James Jillson Susannah (___) Alverson
Huldah Jillson November 3, 1803 April 1850 Ebenezer Berry Isaac Jillson Huldah Wilson
Isaac Jillson September 11, 1770 June 16, 1837 Huldah Wilson Nathaniel Jillson Deborah Tower
James Jillson 1712 Mary  
James Jillson November 18, 1684 July 4, 1776 Susannah (___) Alverson James Jillson Mary
Nathaniel Jillson September 24, 1748 February 8, 1817 Deborah Tower Daniel Jillson Leah Bucklin