
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Crum. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Aaron Crum  
Ann Crum about 1814  
Ephraim Crum December 22, 1771 Hannah Creager
Evan Crum between 1766 and 1774 before April 4, 1826 Sarah Hertzog
Isaac Crum about 1768 February 17, 1831 Susanna Plummer
John Crum Elizabeth
John Crum between 1755 and 1774 1821 Rebecca Crum
Mary Ann Crum January 31, 1823 May 24, 1885 James David Hamilton
Moses Crum February 4, 1826 Mary Ann Cochran
Nicholas Crum December 8, 1795 May 5, 1862 Paulina Knepper, Margaret Muhollen
Rebecca Crum between 1755 and 1774 after February 1821 John Crum
Zacharias Crum between 1766 and 1775