In a letter, the date of which is transcribed as December 28, 1888, from Ballintur, County Down, Ireland, William Doran told his brother Peter in the United States, that 'Tom Murphy and Mathew Sloan is home from cleveland a few days agow.' For a long time I've wondered who this Matthew Sloan could be. My mother's aunt married a Matthew Sloan in Cleveland in 1907, but he was born in 1879, so he would be too young. Now, I think I might have found this earlier Matt Sloan in the Newburgh section of Cleveland.
While I was working on Bernice Hurley, 1922, Newburgh, Cleveland, I came across John and Bridget (McCartan) Mcavoy living on Elmo Street, Cleveland, in 1900. Both of their mother's maiden names were Sloan. With surnames like those going for them, they almost had to be from the Rostrevor - Kilkeel area of County Down.
In 1910 Peter and Michael Farron were living on East 89th St in Cleveland, across the street from my great-grandfather Ned Rodgers. In that neighborhood, with a name like Farron (Feran, Fearon), they seemed "likely suspects" for being from the Kilbroney/Killowen area of County Down, Ireland. It turns out that they were.
Susan Brennan was born, probably between 1873 and 1874, the daughter of Peter Brennan and Ann Savage.1, 2 She was very likely born in Kilfeaghan townland, Kilbroney District, County Down, Ireland.